

以后终于不用翻山越岭出去了,这样更方便开发者的交流。以下随附Bill Luan致广州GTUG的信:

自从我们的社区成立以来,这个像全球其它社区一样的基于Google Groups的官方的社区论坛,由于受到防火墙的屏蔽影响,绝大多数时间都无法进行正常的访问,严重影响了我们社区成员之间的互相交流。全国各地的各个谷歌开发者社区,一直以来也没有一个可以供大家方便使用的在线交流平台,让我们全国各地的开发者们,能够就共同感兴趣的话题进行交流、互相学习和互相帮助,无法充分发挥我们全国谷歌开发者社区所具备的有大量开发人才的优势。 目前我们全国各地的谷歌开发者社区,已经发展壮大到了包括香港在内的11个城市、近万人的一个巨大的社区,而且我们还会继续发展壮大。我们这么一个巨大的社区大家庭,有这么多具有共同爱好的技术专家和人才,到目前为止却一直无法发挥我们人多势众的优势,通过交流来帮助我们自己的学习和成长,实在是一件十分可惜的事情。

今天,我谨在此宣布,我们将为大家彻底解决这一互相交流的瓶颈和困境:一个新建立的、在防火墙内运行的、面向全中国谷歌开发者社区的在线交流论坛,现在正式上线运行了! 论坛是:中国谷歌开发者社区论坛,地址是非常好记的域名:www.ChinaGDG.com

全国各地的所有GDG社区的成员们,大家可以不用"翻墙"、随时可以方便地登陆这个新的全国论坛,通过自由的讨论、交流、和分享,帮助我们自己更好地学习各种谷歌开发技术、以及你们所感兴趣的各种开放型互联网开发技术、移动开发技术、以及各种开源技术等等。 除了和来自全国各地的开发者讨论你所感兴趣的技术话题之外,你们也可以在你们自己城市的GDG社区的专门分论坛里,讨论你们GDG社区自己所关心的问题,组织你们自己的活动等等。


谷歌 开发技术推广部 大中华区主管 栾跃

How to enable IPv6 on Vista & Win7

Windows Vista and Windows 7 both come equipped with dual stack IPv4/IPv6, and it can be enabled on Windows XP/SP2. On a default installation of Vista/Win7, IPv6 should already be operational. In order to fully test your IPv6 readiness, you will also need the services of a Tunnel Broker. A Tunnel Broker is a server that sits on both an IPv6 network and an IPv4 network. IPv6 packets are encapsulated inside an IPv4 packet and sent out over the IPv4 network. The server strips the IPv4 info and sends the packet on to the IPv6 server. Return packets follow the reverse route.

Vista/Win7 come equipped with the Teredo Tunnel, but it is not functional by default. To get all these working, the following services must be running:
IP Helper – Automatic Started
Windows Firewall – Automatic Started
Base Filtering Engine – Manual Started
Don’t ask me why the Firewall has to run, but Microsoft says that the Teredo Tunnel is a security risk. To the best of my knowledge, the Teredo Tunnel is the only one that will work behind a NAT router that does not support IPv6. It uses a technique similar to PPP networks, with a specific UDP port being used to maintain contact.

One of the major differences with IPv6 is that there can be multiple IP addresses. Since there is no longer a Netmask to determine if an address is on the local network, or if it has to be routed through a gateway, they have introduced something called a link-local address. If you go to the command prompt and enter the “ipconfig /all” command, you should see an address beginning with “fe80::” and ending with “%x” under the Local Area Connection. The “%x” is a random ID number assigned to the interface, and will be necessary to use at times (more on that later).

If the system only has a link-local and a Teredo tunnel IP address, the DNS will not return an IPv6 address. To overcome this limitation, we have to fool the system by adding another IPv6 address. If you are fortunate enough to have a router that supports IPv6 DHCP, one will already have been assigned to you. If not, you must manually enter it. Go to the Properties of your LAN or WiFi interface, and change it to have a static IPv6 address. The easiest solution is to use the converted IPv4 address with a netmask of 48. For example, a static IPv4 address of “” converts to “2002:c0a8:102::” (192 = c0h, 168 = a8h, 1 = 01h, 2 = 02h). Don’t configure a default gateway for this address, because there isn’t one. You will also need to configure IPv6 DNS servers. You can use any that you might have access to. Both OpenDNS and Google offer free public servers:
OpenDNS: 2620:0:ccc::2 & 2620:0:ccd::2
Google: 2001:4860:4860::8888 & 2001:4860:4860::8844
I personally use one of each.

Windows will now resolve IPv6 domain names. The simplest way to test this is to ping your own computer name (find under System in the Control Panel), or another computer name on your local network that supports IPv6. It should resolve the link-local address and complete the ping. For example:
C:\>ping donna2-pc
Pinging Donna2-PC [fe80::8d22:1710:b68c:37d9%9] from fe80::a5bb:d4f:e017:e25c%9 with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from fe80::8d22:1710:b68c:37d9%9: time<1ms
Reply from fe80::8d22:1710:b68c:37d9%9: time<1ms
Reply from fe80::8d22:1710:b68c:37d9%9: time<1ms
Reply from fe80::8d22:1710:b68c:37d9%9: time<1ms
Ping statistics for fe80::8d22:1710:b68c:37d9%9:
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
On one machine I had difficulty getting the ping command to use the correct interface. It wanted to use the Teredo link-local address instead of the ethernet adapter link-local address. I solved the problem by disabling the other Microsoft interface via the registry. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters\DisabledComponents
This key probably won’t exist and must be added as a REG_DWORD. The value is a bit map:
· Bit 0 Set to 1 to disable all IPv6 tunnel interfaces, including ISATAP, 6to4, and Teredo tunnels.
· Bit 1 Set to 1 to disable all 6to4-based interfaces.
· Bit 2 Set to 1 to disable all ISATAP-based interfaces.
· Bit 3 Set to 1 to disable all Teredo-based interfaces.
· Bit 4 Set to 1 to disable IPv6 over all non-tunnel interfaces, including LAN interfaces and *Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)-based interfaces.
· Bit 5 Set to 1 to modify the default prefix policy table to prefer IPv4 to IPv6 when attempting connections.
To disable the ISATAP interface, I changed the value to 4 (bit 2).

At this point, we need to expose you to a command that has always been there, but wasn’t really used much with IPv4.
C:\>netsh int ipv6 show teredo
Teredo Parameters
Type : client
Server Name : teredo.ipv6.microsoft.com.
Client Refresh Interval : 30 seconds
Client Port : unspecified
State : dormant
Client Type : teredo host-specific relay
Network : managed
NAT : none (global connectivity)
“Int” is short for “interface”. If the state shows as “offline”, you may have to force Teredo into accepting your NAT router. This is done using the following command:
C:\>netsh int ipv6 set teredo type=enterpriseclient
If Teredo is now functional, then you should be able to find the interface index using the “ipconfig /all” command:
Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection* 6:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 02-00-54-55-4E-01
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:0:4137:9e76:142b:a209:30f9:a279(Preferred)
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::142b:a209:30f9:a279%8(Preferred)
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : ::
NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Disabled
In the example above, the interface index is %8 for the Teredo interface. We need this number for the next command, since there is no default route to allow traffic to flow to the Internet.
C:\>netsh int ipv6 add route ::/0 interface=8
With this last step you should now be able to access IPv6 sites such as:
C:\>ping ipv6.google.com
Pinging ipv6.l.google.com [2001:4860:b006::69] from 2001:0:4137:9e76:249b:92d7:b464:60e9 with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 2001:4860:b006::69: time=31ms
Reply from 2001:4860:b006::69: time=31ms
Reply from 2001:4860:b006::69: time=31ms
Reply from 2001:4860:b006::69: time=31ms
Ping statistics for 2001:4860:b006::69:
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 31ms, Maximum = 31ms, Average = 31ms
It may take more than one attempt to activate the interface. Then try entering http://ipv6.google.com into your browser, and it should bring up Google’s IPv6 page.

Be aware that at this point in time, Windows will always prefer IPv4 over IPv6 if both exist for a given domain. We can change that behaviour by modifying the prefixpolicies table:
C:\>netsh int ipv6 show pre
Querying active state...
Precedence Label Prefix
---------- ----- --------------------------------
50 0 ::1/128
40 1 ::/0
30 2 2002::/16
20 3 ::/96
10 4 ::ffff:0:0/96
5 5 2001::/32
But I will leave that for you to investigate on your own.


经常看到用户抱怨在 Windows 7 操作系统的 cmd 命令提示符窗口下使用 ipconfig /all 时,会看到非常多的称之为“隧道适配器”的本地连接,而大多数用户对于隧道连接的概念并不了解。

在 Windows 7 中,系统自动配置生成了多个隧道连接,这些隧道连接的用处是用于实现 IPv4 与 IPv6 互访问而设计的。IPv6 隧道是将 IPv6 报文封装在 IPv4 报文中,让 IPv6 数据包通过使用 IPv4 地址协议的网络进行通信。对于采用隧道技术的设备来说,在隧道的入口处,将 IPv6 的数据报封装进 IPv4,IPv4 报文的源地址和目的地址分别是隧道入口和隧道出口的 IPv4 地址,而在隧道的出口处,再将 IPv6 报文取出转发到目的节点。隧道技术只要求在隧道的入口和出口处进行报文的封装修改,对其他部分没有要求,容易实现。

在 Windows 7 中,为了更好的实现 IPv4 到 IPv6 的过渡,使用了多种隧道技术。但是,对于基本上一直在使用 IPv4 的用户,多个隧道连接反而带来了一些不便,因此,这里介绍一下如何关闭 Windows 7 中自带的隧道连接。

使用 netsh 命令关闭 IPv6 隧道适配器:

netsh interface teredo set state disable

netsh interface 6to4 set state disabled

netsh interface isatap set state disabled



当我们需要使用 IPv6 网络时,只需要使用如下命令恢复 IPv6 隧道设置即可:

netsh interface teredo set state default

netsh interface 6to4 set state default

netsh interface isatap set state default





How To Fix iOS6 Wi-Fi Error(如何解决iOS6Wi-Fi无法连接的问题)

Many people has reported that after iOS 6 installation the Wi-Fi is disconnecting again and again and giving error and requires to reconnect. When I faced this error I thought there is something wrong on my Wi-Fi but when I checked the visitors on different blogs I found lot of people talking about iOS wifi problem. How To Fix iOS 6 wifi Error Go to Settings => Wi-Fi => Select the Wi-Fi Network you are connected. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and tap and set : HTTP Proxy Auto

打开设置 =>WiFi =>进入你选择的WiFi的设置 =>滚动屏幕到下方 =>HTTP代理选择自动